So here is my progress so far, it's been less than a week, but I've found it very difficult to get the image acurate because the background and the objects them selves are clear and plain. So I'm trying to produce this image that is three dimensional, yet clean and accurate. The challenge cannot be over stated. I enjoyed the upper left area because the balence has the thickest, rich colors so it is easy to shade and produce that three-dimensional concept. I used quite the excess of water in my background, hence the title. Like rain water that seeps underground and causes erosion and stuff, ya know the water is like erroding my paper. Ok it's not funny, but whatever. I had no other title to go for. I'll finish this by Friday, maybe Monday if it gets that bad. I also added the image I'm going off of. The white paper was just to help me see the class clearly, and I interpretted the background. AS messy as it was, the background was the most fun. The rest has just been tedious. Peace out Girl Scout.

For my still life I chose to do it about chemistry. A little anecdote on chemistry: I've spent my whole life believing I'd grow up and be a scientist, took chemistry, fell in love with it, and will likely graduate with some form of a chemistry degree next year. So when you said the still life had to be a bout something important to us, chemistry lab supplies seemed appropriate. I'll post the picture later, and I've started sketching it out below, it's a bit small, but it seems manageable. I'll likely do this project in watercolor, hence the title.
This painting was extremely tedious and I've been doing it for like a week longer than I should've. I'm so pleased with it! I don't want to see it go away! I actually enjoyed painting the majority of it. The blending in the sky was my favorite part. The curves of the ridges on the bottom were a bit too tedious for me and took a lot of correcting. Probably one of my most favorite assignments yet! I wish the background hadnt been as flat and i had blended it a little bit better, but oh well ill always have issues with any finished work. Peace out girl scout!
Estoy en la class de AP Espanol y ahora yo necisito practicar mi abilidad para communicar en este lengua.
I am in AP Spanish and right now I need to practice my ability to communicate in this language.
Ok, es possiblemente que escribo este parafo para mi tarea pero, es interesante y yo estoy in poco abburida:)
Ok it's possible that I am writing this paragraph because I'm a tad bit bored:)
Este mañana yo cambio mi pintura. Fui pintar una fotographia de Asia pero ahora yo veO una fotographia con muchos colores y es mas interesante como que dibuje originalmente.
This morning I changed my picture. I was going to paint a simple Asian landscape when I saw another photograph with a lot of colors that is much more interesting than the one I had originally depicted.
Gracias para us attencion!
Thanks for your attention!

Killing two birds with one stone:)
Ok I've been soooooooo excited about this landscape. Mostly because we've finally drifted away from the antagonizing, excruciating self-portraits! I couldn't be more excited about a project.....except for if it was in graphic or charcoal.... But I'll settle for acrylic. I found some simple Asian landscapes with mountains and water, and a gorgeous sky. I actually can't wait to begin this! Oh happy days!!!
The first run I took at the color, blurred image was rough. Not as bad as my black and white one, but still rough. I also ran out of red which caused quite the predicament with particualry red image of myself. So that Saturday I ventured out determined to create a better blurry catasrophe. I collected my supplies and produced what I feel is an adequate attempt at this difficult concept. I'll post the images by this weekend!
Ok the first imagine was my first try without red, so i used pink. The second image is my final. The second image I really worked on getting the eyes to match my picture. While the shadding on the forhead and nose aren't as great as my first try I feel the second was more sucessful because the face shape was more precise. The first image was how i thought faces looked, the second was more exact to how it was actually portrayed and angled and shadded in the photograph and yadidadida. So here you go. I'm fixing my blog so all the finals will also be posted under my other tab. Peace out girl scout!
After looking at the photo of my version of the blurred black and white and the original I've decided I'm going to come in after school and try to tune it up, everything looks too wide so I want to finish cleaning it and fine tuning it to make it look a little more proportioned. I'm also posting the picture for the colored one so I have somewhere to save it and keep track of it. Peace out Girl Scout.
Ok so I was absent for Thursday and Friday and I'm just kind of rushing to get this assignment in. I was uncomfortable with the assignment because it was a weird concept. #1 trying to create something that your eye really can't focus on is hard and awkward. Very awkward. #2 charcoal is messy, very messy. #3 I just never like assignments in this class soooooooo yup. Here's my finished product, it's a little more rough than I'd wanted it to be, I started blending with my fingers too early, so when I added layers to shade or darken or whatever it wouldn't stick quite as we'll and it Made the image a little rougher and not as blended or cohesive as I had wanted. So if you'll excuse me I'm going to go crank out the color ASAP so I don't fall behind. Peace out Girl Scout.
Heyyoo this is mostly just here so I don't lose it! Post later. Peace out Girl Scout.
The title above is reference to the final eight count of the Dora the Explorer song titled "I did it." You know the one, her little victory dance and everything :) so I finished the project. Honestly, the beginning had such a grim out look I thought it was foreshadowing my doom. But alas I'm alive and prospering and semi sucessful!!!!! While it doesn't really look like me anymore, the face seems more generalized, I still really like it. Anyway new artistic perspectives would never develop if people didn't make mistakes and continue inventing based off them. Long story short, below is my final. I hope you approve I had quite the adventure getting to this point and I am truly pleased that I did. So feel free to bask in the glow of a project I was actually semi sucessful in. And peace out Girl Scout.