This is really different from my original vision. When I had tried to paint my original vision, it looked sloppy and two dimensional. My original attempt was with the fading of the blue to yellow, and the dotting. I later added the "lips" but they were flat colors. After some pondering my table decided that the squiggle looked so much like a pair of lips that I had to make it an abstract face. While this strays away from the original assignment, it was much more sucessful than my original attempt. I still tried to keep the abstract feeling my making the facial features geometric, and not too obvious. I'm pretty satisfied even if it wasn't my original plan. I just changed the reality of the assignment to something I could be pleased with in the end. Because apparently when you anitcipate things, and build them up in your false reality, actual reality often falls short of that expectation..... hehehe only one day left with jackson :-) oh yea hope you like my painting meserve see ya next year second semester :-)
Finished product. Took a while to dot, and sometimes I would get so fed up with the dotting that i spazed out. but it looks half decent :)

Some of the prints weren't as sucessful as others, but here is  every single one that I've ever done. I enjoyed printing, it was mind-numbing and relaxing. It didn't involve as deep a thought process as the other projects. Well here's what my blank mind created. Maybe it means something...
as far as i'm concerned it does. it took me a while to get the prints to look clean. i'll post all of the prints soon, some are still in the art room though. I think i got around eight really good prints. I discovered that if you print the background and let it dry for a day, then print the front the print comes out cleaner. And if you take a clean roller and role on top of the block while its printing the print comes out cleaner. only a few of my blocks slid using that techniques, but the ones that didn't came out really clean. I'll post the pics tomorrow.
Ok so I'm a little late with this post, and I lost my yellow square, but bellow is the picture of my painted squares.
My red and orange aren't that good, they were my first one's, however as I continued to complete squares they got a little better. I also posted the list of everything I had to add into the colors to get them the way they are.
Dark red: red, a small bit of blue, and more red
med red: red, cienna, yellow
light red: red, yellow
light orange: cienna and a touch of orange
med  orange: orange, yellow, cienna
dark orange: light red, cienna, a little orange
Light green: green, white, green, yellow
medium green: green, a little blue, more green
dark green: green, blue, yellow
dark blue: blue, purple, blue
medium blue: blue, white
light blue: blue and a lot of white
light purple: purple, a light pink
medium purple: purple, red 
dark purple: purple, blue 
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