Below is my original photo, along with my finished charcoal design. I am very excited about how this assignment turned out! The pipes and their shading was reallly sucessful, and I was worried about that part the most. I feel it is a very sucessful relpica, and I am very proud to have done such amazing work. I hope the rest of the year turns out as sucessful as this assignment.
This is the corner I drew. Its pretty basic and I chose it because I got to draw a tree and this weird head thing, which I thought would bring me some joy in the week. Sitting on the hard floor of the hallway is not very fun. The piece was pretty simple and easy. The ceiling and the lights were definitley the hardest part. I think I made the lights go the wrong way- like they were supposed to be wider rather than longer, but oh well :-) I enjoyed doing the lockers and after firguring out were all of the lines were supposed to go the drawing was quick and easy.

    This is the final of my second piece for this semester. Its took a while to upload onto the website because it was in the display case for a while. But nevertheless it was a pretty sucessful piece. I'm satisfied with it. I did rush slightly to finish by the due date which made a few of my traingles sloppier thatn I had liked, but the main point still comes across. The varying size of the triangles shows a great amount of depth. That spot in the lower center of the paper seems to be really far back that the edges of the paper. This is all because of the developing size of the triangles. It almost looks like a bowl. I think this project wa fun and quirky and got me to think differently. I'm pretty satisfied with my finished piece.
This is one of the many sketches which led me to the final design below.
This Final product was very sucessful, it  fullfilled my goals of creating depth through the straight lines and the vanishing piont, and movement through the curved ones. I find it unique and intriguing to the human eye. I'm so glad to start off the year with a pretty sucessful piece. :)

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